Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pirate Max

The other day Max was eating breakfast and turned to me and said "I'm a pirate."

I found this hat and stickers at Michael's and since we had a rainy/snowy/cold day, we had some sticker fun.


We had a snowy day a few weeks ago while we were watching our nieces for a week while their parents were on a cruise.

Max was exhausted even before going outside in the snow.

Max, Cambree and Sabrina  having fun.

Sabrina just chillin'

Max ended the fun the same way he started.


Addison is growing so fast.  He started to get up on his knees and toes the first part of February.  
You can't see it very well, but he is up on his toes here.

He is also getting very good at tripod sitting.

Here he is about one month later.  He still isn't crawling, but he is definitely mobile and never where you left him.  He is starting to lunge forward.  He is getting very talkative and loves to say dadadadada.  He is so mild mannered and easy going.  We had his 6 month check up and he is only 14 lbs.  Such a little guy.

He is always smiling even when he is hungry, he just gets a little louder.  


I don't have any girls, but while I was in Kalamazoo some of my friends and I got together to make tutus.  I finished mine up to give to all my cute nieces.  They were a lot of fun and I have to get my girly out somehow.


Katie tagged me to post the 6th picture on my computer so here it is.

We has family pictures with all of Paul's siblings and got a quick family photo of us too.  
I guess I will tag, Daphne, Zita, Amanda, Melanie, Paul (will he play) and Sonya.  

Saturday, February 14, 2009

This and That

I just Downloaded pictures from my camera and thought that I would share them with everyone.  There really is no rhyme or reason to them, just some that I thought were worth posting.

I don't know how Addison did it, but he is very proud that he can get both the binky and his fingers in his mouth all at once.

Max got this storm trooper mask for Christmas from Addison.  He thought that Addison should wear it.

Addison is getting so strong (not to mention how cute he is).  He can stand with little assistance for 15 minutes or so.  

Max got this necklace light in his stocking from Santa and the other day I came out into the livingroom to see this.  Paul was tolerating it and Max was having a blast.  It almost looked like Paul had a side pony light tail.  Maybe I thought that since there is a lack of hair altogether on his head.

Max was so proud of himself for putting on his own pj's.  If you look close you will see the neck of his shirt is at chest level not to mentions backwards and he is missing the all important underwear.  No, we don't let him go to bed commando.  He is doing great at using the potty and has only had one real accident in the last month or so (totally my fault), but I must draw the line somewhere.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Packed in like sardines

We were very tightly packed (thank you Derek) into our car for the duration of our trip.  There were the boys' bags separating them.  The cat traveled very well and has really adjusted well to his new home.  

You can see our cat in the back.  He rode in this spot for almost the entire trip.

Addison really got the raw end of the deal.  Not only were there bags beside him, but under him and if the cat and Max had anything to say it would have been on top of him as well.

We really had great roads, but I was amazed at how dirty a car can get after traveling half way across the country in the middle of winter.


During “The Move” Derek and Alecia invited us over to decorate cookies with The Laughead’s.  We had a ton of fun.

Max loved decorating and then eating the cookies

Isn't Pen so cute?

Even the Dads got in on the action!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, we finally got our Internet up and running.  As promised, I am going to update my blog.

December 13th, Paul graduated from Western Michigan University with his Masters degree.  I am so proud of him.  It was a lot of work, but we are one step closer to getting through school. 

If you look close you can see Paul on the big screen with the bow tie

That same night we had a surprise party for Paul and also a going away for the rest of the family.  We really feel fortunate to have made such wonderful friends while we were in Kalamazoo.