Saturday, February 14, 2009

This and That

I just Downloaded pictures from my camera and thought that I would share them with everyone.  There really is no rhyme or reason to them, just some that I thought were worth posting.

I don't know how Addison did it, but he is very proud that he can get both the binky and his fingers in his mouth all at once.

Max got this storm trooper mask for Christmas from Addison.  He thought that Addison should wear it.

Addison is getting so strong (not to mention how cute he is).  He can stand with little assistance for 15 minutes or so.  

Max got this necklace light in his stocking from Santa and the other day I came out into the livingroom to see this.  Paul was tolerating it and Max was having a blast.  It almost looked like Paul had a side pony light tail.  Maybe I thought that since there is a lack of hair altogether on his head.

Max was so proud of himself for putting on his own pj's.  If you look close you will see the neck of his shirt is at chest level not to mentions backwards and he is missing the all important underwear.  No, we don't let him go to bed commando.  He is doing great at using the potty and has only had one real accident in the last month or so (totally my fault), but I must draw the line somewhere.


Clenece said...

Look at you go women. Love seeing pictures and updates on you guys. Addison is getting so biG!!

Katie staten said...

Oh hooray for the post! What cute pictures. Luke came over and said "Addison is getting so big!" I'm so glad to see the pictures. Keep on blogging. We sure miss you guys. Farming game anyone?

The White Family said...

Your boys are getting so big. Call me some time. Daph

Kasey said...

Addison is growing like crazy!!! Hooray for Max for being a big boy.

Citygirl said...


It has been so long but thanks to the powers of google, I've found you!
I'm glad to see all of your stories and pictures. Email me sometime.


adura said...

Hey you, Zita sent me a link. Its nice to see what you are up to. The kids are adorable. I hope all is going well for you.

Derek Thompson said...

I am glad everything is going well for you guys. Keep us updated when he gets accepted to schools.