Saturday, February 10, 2007


Max is really starting to talk a lot. Most people have no idea what he is talking about. He will say "Hello" to a complete stranger and they think that he is really something. Little do they know that there is a telephone close by and that is truly what he "wants". He could care less about the stranger. So I thought that it might be fun and helpful for me to list some of Max-speak so that I will be able to remember it later on and also, hopefully, to amuse you.

Mama--you would think that I would love to hear this, but it is actually banana. I am mommy


Hot--Well, we have taught him well, the flame of the candle is hot, but it doesn't need to be lite for him to call it a hot.

La La--could be one of two things, his favorite book, Moo, Baa, La La La, or Water.

Butt—No, he is not referring to his derriere, but a button. No matter how hard I try, I can't get him to put an on on the end.

Bubble-o--Could be bubbles, but today I was wearing my Twin Pine Ranch shirt and we learned Buffalo

Bat--No we don't have bats thank goodness, but his bath, which he loves

Awful--He is talking about his daddy's cooking. Mostly the waffles. Sometimes he gets confused and calls all breads awfuls.

He does say other words and more everyday. Here are just a few:

Daddy Mommy cat doggie milk

fish mine more NO poop

juice bear duck

Here are our most recent pictures that we had taken. Max has always been an excellent boy at picture time, until this day. He cried the whole time unless I was holding him, and I really didn't want my picture taken, but as usuall....MAX IS THE BOSS!!!! You can tell he is crying in some of the pictures. He also decided to show his muscles and the lady caught that if you know what to look for. I still like them.