Well, I have been getting a lot of flack about not posting anything for over a year. So since you all have asked for it.....
Max and Mom and a Dandelion
We decided that before my belly gets too big, that we should do a camping trip. This is not "Gerke" style camping, but going to a KOA with running water, electricity, hot showers and flushing toilets. So last weekend over Mother's Day we went to southern Kentucky. We really just relaxed a lot, let Max run and chase the birds and enjoy being outside with a little freedom to roam, which we don't give him here since we are afraid of him getting run over in out Apartment Complex.
The highlight of our trip was a visit to Mammoth Caves National Park. It was a beautiful day and we went on a tour of "The New Entrance" which was really one of the first entrances into the cave. We went down 250+ feet below the surface and that was the part that Max really disliked. I ended up carrying him the whole way. Once down, there was more room for Max to feel comfortable and he hiked like a champ.
The tour was very informative on the caves, how they were discovered and also how they are formed. I really learned a lot even though I did know quite a bit since I grew up with caves in my back yard and my Dad knowing so much about them.
The highlight of the tour was the very end, where all the formations are. Lots of flows, stalactites and stalagmites, etc. It really reminded us of Timpanogas Caves (which have a lot more formations than the part we saw).
Max and Mom in Mammoth Caves
By the time that we where out of the cave, the temperature was close to 80. There was a nice picnic area where Max could run some more and we could eat. Then we went back to camp and took a much needed nap (Well, Max and I did).
Max and Daddy gathering sticks for a campfire
The low light of our trip was the very next day, Mother's Day. We had 50 mph wind gusts, and lots of rain. We were all cold and hadn't planned very well on what to do in all the weather. We tried the Mall, but Max could only handle so much wandering aimlessly, so we ended up back at camp trying to get Max to go to sleep. The wind finally stopped about 4 am and the next day we were able to pack up in the sunshine.
Max Learning to drive a bit early
Overall, a great trip and as my step mom said "A Mother's Day to remember"